I was born in Rome, where I live and work. I attended the State Institute of Art and, subsequently, in-depth courses in some artistic disciplines in Rome, and Deruta, which I felt more close to my sensibility and to my way of expressing myself, like ceramics, painting, music ... Since 2008 I'm sitting at Giovanni Arcangeli's feet. I've always had a passion for the arts, not only as the ability in observation of the nature, but also and mainly as the aptitude for interpenetrating in it. The world around us has shapes, colors and lights and sounds that excite thousand emotions, which can be expressed only through a personal creativity led by a strong spirit of research. The never mute need of giving forms and colors to my emotions, today is strongly emerging in me and my goal now is to be able to express it through visible and tangible works such drawing, painting and ceramics. When I had the occasion to do it, I exposed my works in a few exhibitions as ceramist and painter, just to see if I was able to transfer to the others what I feel. I travel frequently, not only for knowing other countries, unlike my language and my culture, but also to find myself in a place only apparently unknown but deeply my; to meet the warm and fragrant tropical ocean, or the rough and foaming Atlantic. And in the long intervals between a trip and the other I like to devote myself to the arts that are expressed with the manual ability, because they always reflect the personal sensitivity: from painting to music, from ceramics to photography, mainly underwater. Many of my photos, in fact, are placed in the specialized site (www.rugsim.com) which is released - like this site - by Ruggero, the partner of my life. Simona |
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